For my thoughts, randomness and MORE

☼Weird Facts☼

1. Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, a duck is watching you…

2. People say “Bless You” when you sneeze because your heart stops for a milisecond.

3. A rat can last longer without water then a camel.  

4. Roses may be red, but violets are indeed violet.

5. Chewing gum boosts your brain power!

*More to Come, but please comment if you have any!*

Comments on: "☼Weird Facts☼" (7)

  1. I like pie!!!!

  2. Oh I have lots
    1. Hippo milk is pink
    2. Girrafs clean their ears with their 18 inch tongues
    3.apples wake you up better than coffee
    4.pigs can’t look at the sky
    5.otters sleep holding hands so they don’t drift away from each other ( they sleep floating on water )

  3. I have a true fact aka emma ok this is what it is I’m tired and another one here it goes my real name is Aili

  4. I just replied to myself!!!

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