For my thoughts, randomness and MORE

✦Rainbow Unicorns Page✦

Hello and welcome to the Rainbow Unicorns Fan Club page! Do you want to adopt a Rainbow Unicorn? Join the club by commenting the name of the unicorn you want to adopt, then check back soon, because your unicorn will be on the page! So, comment away! If you want to learn how to take care of your Unicorn, click this link: Care Stable!


  • Mika
  • Avery
  • Kennedy
  • Corinne
  • Ellie


  • Sir Cow


Owned by: Mika

Sir Cow now poops Jellybeans!

  • Leonardo DaVinci

Owner: Avery

  • George Washington Jr

Owner: Kennedy

  • Quazzles


Owner: Corinne


  • Sir McJohnny The Third

Owner: Ellie


Comments on: "✦Rainbow Unicorns Page✦" (23)

  1. His name shall be sir cow

  2. Um…… Sage! Bc its pretty

  3. I want one!!!!!!!!!!! He shall be named FRED in honor of Fred which whom Corinne stole from me

  4. Happiness !! Hygiene!!! Hunger!!! Cooll! Poops jellybeans

  5. George Washington Jr. !!!!!!!:)

  6. you really like cows don’t you Meeks

  7. Corinne
    Sir cow is his pregnant wife, Fredrick is his ex wife

  8. Elliethecheese said:

    My unicorns name will be sir McJhonny the third and he will be incredibly amazing

  9. Elliethecheese said:


  10. Elliethecheese said:

    I like the big boned one at the end
    He will poop ice cream and barf rainbows

  11. Elliethecheese said:

    Wow the pic you just posted is magical

  12. Elliethecheese said:

    I love her she is so Magical

  13. I want a unicorn

  14. Emma c I just forgot to put they as my name confusing right

  15. I want one !!!!!!!

  16. Rainbow unicorn named skittles the 3rd

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